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Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  142KB  |  454x359  |  8-bit (230 colors)
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OCR: IEADING 30-YEAR FIXED-RATE MORTGAGES Rezio eetitutior Poird Atlanta National Cit Mortgage 7.13% 2.50 S674 404-396-1445 Baltimore Lryola Fadera Savirgs Bank 7.00 2.88 665 410-787-5906 Boston Citibank 7.13 20 2.00 674 508-875-0672 Chicago First Federated 7.00 10 2.75 665 708-655. 7300 Cleveland Pesured Morlgage 7.0 3.00 665 216-7-0077 Diatlas HocuBanc Mcrteane 7.20 2.88 665 817-640. :06 Denver Fleet Mortaage 7.25 2.55 682 303-756-0300 Repualia Bancorp Mortgage 7.25 2.00 682 313-646. 7050 Housten Farr 3Home Saings 7.00 3.00 665 713-270-3720 Los Angeles Estate eMarigage 7.13 1.75 674 714-832 38.0 Miami First Financinl cf Basten 7.20 2.5 665 305.733. 5626 Minncapolis GMAC OTgERE 7.25 2.07 682 612.254 -904 New York City First Ton Martgage 7.00 3.25 665 516220. 1600 N.Now Jersey Merarch Ssrings 7 ...